Proctoring Guidelines Policy
Proctoring Guidelines
Test proctoring is currently available at the Glenside and Elkins Park Libraries.
Approved by the CTLS Board of Directors: 2014. Revised: 2024
Please note that for online exams, it is recommended that students use personal laptops.
The library offers a limited number of PCs for public use with time limitations based on demand. Therefore, the library cannot guarantee computer availability for test taking.
As a test proctoring site the library agrees to:
- Receive tests for students, provide a certified librarian to set up the exam and sign the appropriate paperwork.
- Accept receipt of examinations via email or mail.
- Make the student aware of any specific institutional guidelines (no notes, no open books, calculator or computer permitted, etc.).
- Send the completed examination back to the institution through the U.S. Postal Service. If the student and/or school request the use of another mailing service, such as Federal Express, the student or school must provide a pre-paid, pre-addressed envelope.
As a test proctoring site, the library cannot:
- Provide a quiet study room for test taking.
- Provide a librarian to monitor test taking, one-on-one.
- Provide proctoring for large groups of students.
- Guarantee extended computer time on an Internet computer.
- Mail the completed exam at times other than the regular library mailing.
- Arrange for courier pickup of completed exams.
- Provide any other proctoring services other than the ones agreed to above.
It is the student’s responsibility to:
- Contact the library to arrange proctoring, receipt of the test via email or mail with the librarian and verify receipt of the test.
- Allow sufficient time to take the examination before the deadline established by the institution or association. The library will hold tests for 30 days or the test’s stated deadline.
- Come prepared with the necessary or required supplies to take the examinations.
- Allow sufficient time to take the exam during the library’s posted hours.
- Allow sufficient time for the normal library mailing.
- Make all arrangements necessary to complete their testing requirements.
To arrange proctoring/make an appointment, please contact the branch librarian:
- Glenside Free Library, 215 S. Keswick Ave., Glenside PA 19038 215-885-0455
- Elkins Park Library, 563 E. Church Rd., Elkins Park PA 19027 215-635-5000