Group Visit Guidelines

Group Visit Guidelines

Approved by the Board of Library Directors of Cheltenham on October 28th, 2015. Revised: 2024

Thank you for your interest in visiting a Cheltenham Township Library location with your group. We welcome and encourage visits from any type of groups, including schools, day cares, professional organizations, agencies and clubs.

CTLS is happy to prepare a library program and other activities to meet group needs and/or interests. Due to limited space and staffing, the following guidelines apply to organized visits:

  • CTLS requests that group visits be scheduled at least one week in advance to ensure that staff is available to provide the best visitor experience. Tours and presentations will be scheduled in accordance with staff availability, room availability (if necessary) and to avoid conflicts with other library events or programs. If a group shows up unscheduled, library staff will try to accommodate the group or will reschedule for a better time.
  • Due to limited availability, advance arrangements should be made for group participants who wish to use the public computers during the group visit.
  • The library can accommodate one group visit at a time and has the right to request an adequate ratio of adult supervisors to group participants.
  • Group leaders should check in with the library staff member facilitating their visit upon arrival.
  • Group leaders must always stay with their group and ensure participants follow the Library Behavior Policy. If these rules are not followed, groups may be asked to leave.
  • Group participants may borrow library items during their visit with a valid library card.
  • Group leaders who would like their groups to receive library cards during the visit should arrange for that ahead of time.
  • Requests for recurring tours and presentations will be considered, depending on such factors as availability of staff, frequency of such requests and the effect of such visits on other patrons. Due to staff and space limitations, tours and presentations are generally limited to once per month per group to allow opportunities for other groups to visit the library as well.
  • CTLS can come to your group! Check with a librarian for more information on Outreach opportunities.

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Contact us.