Collection Development Policy


Computer Assistance Policy

Revised 2024


Cheltenham Township Library System (CTLS) offers various levels of assistance to the public with technology-related questions and problems as part of our mission to serve the community.


This service is provided under the following conditions and guidelines:


What We Do

  • Provide on-demand assistance with basic computer operations
  • Help patrons use library digital collections and databases
  • Provide one-on-one technology assistance by appointment
  • Build a collection of materials on technology-related topics


What We Don’t Do

  • Repair patron-owned equipment
  • Troubleshoot technical support issues related to computer peripherals or specific vendors such as cellular companies, internet service providers, etc.
  • Recommend or interpret data regarding specific vendors or brands of equipment (but we will suggest reliable sources for that information so that the patron may make an informed decision).
  • Enter or observe passwords, credit card numbers or other personally sensitive information on behalf of the patron,
  • Complete forms, compose documents, etc.
  • Install software on patron-owned equipment
  • Provide assistance when fraud or other illegal activities are suspected



The patron acknowledges that in following directions given by library staff there is a risk for hardware and/or software damage or loss.  In consideration of CTLS providing this free service, which is acknowledged to be adequate to support a release/indemnification, patrons agree to hold CTLS harmless from damages resulting from such problems.  In addition, the patron acknowledges that CTLS offers no explicit or implied warranty or guarantee on services which involve the patron’s computer hardware or software.  Patron’s information viewed on a library computer/device or on the patron’s computer will be held confidential by CTLS unless disclosure is required by law or the observed data or information concerns possible criminal activity.


Have questions?

Contact us.