Library Use Policy


Library Use Policy


Download Policy

Revision approved on March 26, 2025


The Cheltenham Township Library System (CTLS) aims to meet the evolving, diverse needs of our community by being the place where everyone can access resources, share ideas, connect, learn and grow. Our locations serve a wide range of users, and our goal is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all. This policy outlines CTLS’s expectations for all people who use our libraries and resources.

Whether you access a CTLS location in person in our community spaces or online, we ask that you:


1. Follow library policies and laws

  • CTLS policies can be found on our website and in our branches. Library policies pertain to all CTLS locations.
  • Comply with all local, state, and federal laws.
  • Follow instructions from library staff.


2. Communicate with respect

  • Treat others, including other users and library staff, with courtesy and kindness.
  • Respect diversity, including age, ability, culture, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, gender expression, language, physical characteristics, race, religion, sexuality, socio-economic status, spirituality, and values.
  • Understand that CTLS is a limited public forum, meaning it is open to the public, but has a specific governmentally approved purpose and nuanced legal restrictions on activities that can take place on library property.


3. Be considerate of others

  • Conduct yourself in a way that does not interfere with the right of others to use and enjoy the library.
  • Recognize how your activities may impact others, including people of all ages and backgrounds.
  • Respect the personal boundaries and privacy of others, including staff.
  • Monitor the behavior of other members of your party, especially young children.
  • Support everyone’s right to breathe fresh air. The library is a smoke-free environment. No smoking of tobacco products or use of electronic or other smoking devices is permitted inside or outside the library building or on library property.


4. Use library spaces and materials as intended

  • Treat the library, library spaces, and library materials with respect and care.
  • Be responsible for your belongings.
  • Respect the need for quiet in appropriate areas. Mobile phones, portable audio devices or other entertainment or communication devices (with headphones) are permitted as long as they do not disturb others. Be conscious of the noise level of your conversations in order to respect others using the library. Please refrain from using profanity.
  • Keep safety in mind as you move through the library. Running and rough housing are prohibited.



Library staff will enforce these expectations in a fair and reasonable manner. Users who do not comply with library expectations will be asked to stop problematic behaviors, move to another location, or leave the library premises for the day.

Severe or recurring behaviors that violate the library’s expectations will result in loss of privileges to visit the library or use library property for an extended amount of time. Users will be notified of loss of privileges in writing. Once implemented, loss of privileges originating in any CTLS location will be upheld throughout the system.

If a user refuses to discontinue problematic behavior, leave library premises, or observe a loss of library privileges, library staff will notify the police. The user will then be identified to the police and removed from the library.

Illegal activities will be reported to the Cheltenham Township Police Department.



Users have the right to appeal loss of privileges. Appeals may be submitted to the CTLS Board of Trustees in writing within 15 days of official notification of actions taken to suspend or revoke privileges. The CTLS Board of Trustees will review appeals during regularly scheduled meetings.

Letters of appeal may be addressed to:

Attn: Board President

Cheltenham Township Library System
215 S. Keswick Avenue
Glenside, PA 19038

Approved by the Board of Library Directors of Cheltenham Township, February 27, 2014.

Title Library Use Policy
Date Approved 2014
Revisions 2024
Review Date 2026



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