Our WishList

Dreams really can come true
with your support . . .

Make a Donation
Browse our WishList categories to the right. Discover a variety of ways you can help. You make a monetary contribution towards the wish of your choice. Every contribution is appreciated.

Volunteer Your Time
You’ll also find opportunities to volunteer. Take a break from your daily routine and spend a few hours helping out at the library. All age groups are welcome.

People Rely on the Library
In these difficult economic times, more and more people rely on the library. Unfortunately, our budget constraints make it difficult to keep up with the demand. We need your support. Please browse through our WishList and make a donation of your time or money.

Thank You!
Your tax deductible gift benefits everyone and greatly enhances the service that the public receives. A great big THANK YOU is extended to all who choose to better their community in this special way.

If you have questions or suggestions, please contact: Carrie L. Turner


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